New Gardener
Woodseats Allotments - before it's a place, it's the people - kind, welcoming, generous, fantastically creative and full of giving energy. We bake for charity and for ourselves, share gardening and crafty skills, grow food that we donate to Foodwords in the summer (or share among ourselves), go on bird watches, bee talks or do willow-weaving workshops (all of wich are led by members of the society as part or our Learn and Grow sessions). The possibilities and sources of ideas and knowledge are endless.
We do pop-up shops for all sorts of occassions: Christmas, Woodseats Festival, Easter or harverst time. During these events we sell allotment produce (in season), jams and chutneys made from allotment produce, greeting cards, craft items, all sorts of wonderful bakes by our talented bakers - with profit split between various charities and occassionally the Allotment Society. 
an image of a plot
Once a year we organise Open Day. Again, we pool together to organise stalls, bands, a very impressive raffle (last year the top prize was a lawn mower!), kids' actvities, a welcome team who is more than happy to tell everyone who will listen about all the wonderful things that our site has to offer.
We are proud (and lucky) to have a Community Hub which is another hive of activities, from the beloved soul-soothing Monday@theHub sessions where we maintaint the plot (and eat cake), to Craft and Cake sessions, a place where we gather to organise our events, or a place where you can simply decompress after a busy day - simply breathe, listen to birdsong, check in with yourself. 
Do give us a go - you just might love us! Even if you're not that much into gardening, but are new in the area and could do with a bit of company - join us on a Monday and see how it goes.